Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wealth for everyone or 11 ways to get rich


This extract was taken from R. Kiyosaki book - "Business school for people who like helping people"

"Building your own business is the best way to become rich.
After you have built your business, and you have strong cash flow,
then you can begin investing in other assets."

The other ways to become rich

1. You can become rich by marrying somebody for their money. This is a very popular way of becoming rich. Yet, rich dad would say, "You know what kind of person marries for money."

2. You can become rich by being a crook. The trouble with being a crook is that when you make mistake, you either go to jail or your partners will punish you in their efficient ways.

3. You can become rich by being greedy. My rich dad said. "The world is filled with people who became rich by being greedy. Greedy rich people ate the most despised of all the different types of rich people."
After the stock market crash of 2000, the world feasted on stories of Companies that distorted their financial records, CEOs that lied to investors, insiders who sold stock illegally, and corporate officers who told their workers to buy shares while they were selling theirs. For months, the news was filled with stories about the leaders of Enron, WorldCom, Arthur Andersen and Wall Street analysts who were lying, cheating and stealing. In other words, some of these rich greedy people were so greedy they broke laws and turned into crooks. The first few years of the 21st century revealed some of the worst examples of greed. Corruption and lack of moral guidance, proving that not all crooks deal in drugs, wear masks and rob banks.
4. You can become rich by being cheap. Rich dad said. "Trying to become rich by being cheap is the most popular way people attempt to become rich. People who try to become rich by being cheap are people who often try to live below their means rather than finding ways to expand their means." He also said. "The problem with becoming rich by being cheap is that in the end you’re still cheap." We have all heard stories of people who spent their lives hoarding money, pinching pennies, and shopping at sales just to acquire masses of money.
Yet, even though they have a lot of money, they live life as poorly as someone who is truly poor. To my rich dad, having a lot of money yet living like a poor person made very little sense.
Rich dad had a friend who lived cheaply all his life, saving his money, never spending on anything except for the bare necessities. The sad thing was that his three grown children could not wait for him to die so they could get their hands on all his money. After he passed away, his three children made up for all the years of living cheap and spent all his money in less than three years. After all the money was gone, the kids were just as poor as their dad was, even though he once had lots of money. To my rich dad, people who hoard money yet live poorly are people who worship money, making money their master rather than learn to become a master of money.
5. You can become rich via hard work. The problem rich dad had with hard work was that he noticed that hard-working people often had a hard time enjoying their money and their life. In other words, hard work was all they knew. They did not know how to have a good time.

Working Hard for a Bad Income

Rich dad also taught his son and me that many people work hard for the wrong kind of income. He said, "People who physically work hard for money often work hard for the wrong kind of income. Income that is physically worked for is the highest taxed of all income. People who work for the wrong income often work harder and harder only to be taxed more and more." In my rich dad's mind, to work for income that is taxed more and more was not financially intelligent. Most people who have a job work for the highest taxed of all income. In addition, the people who are paid the least often pay the highest percentage in taxes.
When I was a boy, my rich dad taught me that there is more than one kind of income. He said. "There is good income and bad income." In this book, you will find out what kind of income to work hard for... which is income that is taxed less and less even though you earn more and more.
Rich dad also pointed out to his son and me that many people work very hard all their lives but had little to show for their hard work at the end of their lives. In this book, you will find out how you may have to work hard for a few years bur eventually be free to choose never to work again...if that is what you choose to do.

6. You can become rich by being exceptionally smart, talented, attractive or gifted. Tiger Woods is an example of an exceptionally gifted golfer-a golfer who spent years developing his gift. Yet being gifted, smart or talented is still no guarantee of becoming rich. Rich dad would say. "The world is filled with gifted people who never become rich. Just go to Hollywood and you find many beautiful, handsome and talented actors who earn less than most people."
Statistics also show that 65 percent of all professional athletes are broke five years after their high-paying professional careers are over. In the world of money, it takes more than God-given brains, talent or good looks to become rich.
7. You can become rich by being lucky. Trying 10 become rich by being lucky is almost as popular as trying to become rich by being cheap. k most of us know, millions of people bet billions, maybe trillions, of dollars on the lottery, the race tracks, casinos and on sporting events, all hoping to strike it rich by being lucky. Moreover, as we all know, for every lucky person there are thousands, maybe millions, of unlucky people. Again, studies have shown that most lottery winners are broke five years after winning more money than they could have earned in five lifetimes. Therefore, even being lucky once or twice does not mean you hold on to your wealth.
8. You can become rich by inheriting money. By the rime we are in our twenties, we should know if we are going to inherit anything. If you know you are not going to inherit anything, then obviously you need to find some other way to become rich.

9. You can become rich by investing. One of the most common complainers I have is that it takes money to invest. In addition, in most cases that is true. There is another problem with investing. You can lose everything you invest if you are not financially educated and trained to be an investor, like many of us have seen, the stock market is risky and volatile, which means one day you make money and the next day it could be all gone. With real estate, although you can use your banker's money to invest, it still takes some money and education to accumulate great wealth. In this book, you will find out how 10 acquire the money to invest. More importantly, you will learn how 10 become an investor before you risk your money.
10. You can become rich by building a business. Building a business is the way most of the rich became very rich. Bill Gates built Microsoft; Michael Dell created Dell Computers in his dormitory room. The problem is that building a business from scratch remains the riskiest of all the ways 10 become rich. Even purchasing a franchise, which is less risky, can be very expensive.
Prices to purchase well-known franchises may range from $100.000 to $1.5 million just for the rights 10 the franchise. On top of the initial fee, there are monthly payments to the headquarters for training, advertising and support. In addition, even all this support is still no guarantee of great wealth. Many times a person must continue to pay money to the franchisor or headquarters, even when his or her personal franchise is losing money. Although buying a franchise is less risky than starting your own business from nothing, statistics show that 113 of all franchises eventually go broke.
The Difference between Big Business Owners and Small Business Owners

Before moving on to the eleventh way of becoming rich, I want to discuss the difference between a small-business owner and a big-business owner. The difference is that big-business people build networks. The world is filled with small-business owners who own restaurants. The difference between a single restaurant owner and Ray Kroc, who founded McDonalds, is that McDonalds is a network of hamburger restaurants known as a franchise network. Another example, in contrast, is a small-business owner who owns a television repair shop as compared to Ted Turner, who built CNN, which stands for Cable News Network. Again, notice the word network. The point is that the difference between a small-business owner and a big-business owner is simply the size of their network. While many small-business owners own businesses, very few business owners build networks. Simply put, building a business network is how the richest people in the world became rich.

The Eleventh Way to Become Rich

11. You can build a network marketing business. The reason I put a network marketing business as the eleventh way of becoming rich is that it is a very new and revolutionary way to acquire great wealth. If you will quickly glance over the first 10 ways of becoming rich, you may notice that the focus is a self-centered focus on who becomes rich. In other words, it might be seen as a greedy focus. For example, someone who tries to become rich by being cheap is primarily focused on themselves and maybe a few family and friends becoming rich. Someone who marries for money is definitely focused on the money for himself or herself. Even a big business is focused on only a few selected people becoming rich. When franchises came out they made it possible for more people to become business owners and share in the wealth, but in most cases, franchises are reserved for only those with the money to buy the franchise, and, as I stated earlier, a McDonalds franchise today costs over $1 million to get in. Therefore, I am not saying these people are bad or greedy people; I am simply saying that in most cases, the focus is not on a lot of people becoming rich. The focus is on the individual becoming rich.

"A network marketing business is a new and revolu¬tionary way to achieve wealth."

The reason I put network marketing as an eleventh way of becoming rich all by itself is because it is a revolutionary new way of sharing the wealth with anyone who truly wants to acquire great wealth. A network marketing system is set up to make it possible for anyone to share in the wealth. A network marketing system-a system I often call a personal franchise or an invisible big business network-is, in my opinion, a very democratic way of wealth creation. The system is open to anyone who has drive, determination and perseverance. The system does not really care what college you went to, if you went to one, how much money you make today, what race or sex you are, how good¬ looking you are, who your parents are, or how popular you are. Most network marketing companies care primarily about how much you are willing to learn, to change and to grow, and whether you have the guts to stick it out through thick and thin while you learn to be a business owner.

"A network marketing system-a system I often call
A personal franchise - is a very democratic way of
Wealth creation. "

Recently, I listened to an audio recording of a very famous and rich investor, delivering a speech to a famous business school. I do not mention the school's name or his name because what I am about to say is not very flattering. He said, "I am not interested in teaching people to invest. I am not interested in helping poor people get ahead in life. All I want to do is spend time with intelligent people like you, here at (the famous business school.)"
While I personally do not agree with what he said, I still commend him for his honesty. AI; a person who spent much of my life growing up with the tich friends of my rich dad, I often heard such comments, but they were said discreetly and quietly. In public, they would attend charity events and donate money to popular causes, but many of them did that only to appear socially acceptable. In their private meetings, I often heard their real thoughts¬ that were of similar context to the famous investor speaking at the famous business school.
Obviously, not all rich people share that attitude. Nonetheless, I am constantly amazed at how many rich and successful people are rich and successful because they are greedy and have very little interest in helping those less fortunate. Again, I will state that not all rich people share this attitude, but the percentage is significant from my experience.
A primary reason I support the network marketing industry is that their systems are fairer than previous systems of acquiring wealth. Henry Ford, one of the world's greatest businesspersons, became rich by fulfilling the mission statement of his company, the Ford Motor Company. Ford's mission statement was, "Democratize the automobile." The reason that mission statement was so revolutionary was because at the turn of the century, automobiles were only available to the rich. Henry Ford's idea was to make the automobile affordable for everyone, which is what "Democratize the automobile" means. Interestingly enough, Henry Ford was an employee of Thomas Edison, and in his spare time, Henry designed his first automobile. In 1903, the Ford Motor Company was born. By slashing production costs and adapting the assembly line to mass-produce standardized inexpensive cars, Ford became the largest automobile producer in the world. Not only did he make his car affordable; he paid the highest wages in the industry as well as offering profit sharing plans for his workers, redistributing over $30 million annually to them.. .and $30 million was worth a lot more in the early 1900s than it is today.
In other words, Henry Ford was a man who became rich because he cared not only for his customers, but because he cared for his workers. He was a generous man rather than a greedy man. Henry Ford also came under much criticism and personal attack by the so-called intellectual society. Henry Ford was not well educated and, like Thomas Edison, was often ridiculed because of his lack of formal education.

One of my favorite stories of Henry Ford was when he was asked to submit to a rest by so-called smart people from the world of academics. On the appointed day, a group of smart people came in to give him an oral test. They wanted to prove he was ignorant.
The rest began by one scholar asking him a question such as, "What is the tensile strength of the rolled steel you use." Ford, not knowing the answer, simply reached for one of the many phones on his desk and called his vice president who knew the answer. The vice president came in, and Ford asked him the question. The vice president gave him the answer the panel wanted. The next smart person then asked another question and again Ford, not knowing the answer, called someone else from his staff who knew the answer. This process went on until finally one of the smart people on the panel shouted, "See, this proves you are ignorant. You don't know the answers to any of the questions we ask you."
Henry Ford reportedly replied, "I don't know the answers because I do not need to clutter my head with the answers you seek. I hire smart young people from your schools who have memorized the answers you expect me to have memorized. My job is to not to memorize information that you think is intelligence. My job is to keep my head clear of such clutter and trivial facts so that I can think." At that point, he asked the smart people from the world of academics to leave.
For years, I have committed to memory what I believe is one of Henry Ford's most important sayings: "Thinking is the hardest work there is. That is why so few people engage in it."
"Thinking is the hardest work there is. That is why so few people engage in it."

Wealth for Everyone

In my opinion, this new form of business, the network marketing business, is a revolution simply because for the first time in history it is now possible for anyone and everyone to share in the wealth that, until now, has been reserved only for the chosen few or the lucky. I am aware that there has been some controversy over this new form of business and it's had its share of greedy and sometimes crooked people trying to make a quick buck. Yet, if you step back and look at this new form of business, it is a very socially responsible system of sharing the wealth. A network marketing business is nor a good business for greedy people. By design, it is the perfect business for people who like helping other people. Saying it another way, the only way network marketing business works is by helping someone else become rich as you become rich. To me, that is revolutionary, just as revolutionary as Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were in their days.
Before closing, I know that most people are generous. I am also not condemning greed, since a little greed and personal self-interest is always healthy. It is when greed or personal gain becomes excessive that most of us protest or shake our heads in disgust. Since most people are generous and want to help their fellow human beings, this new form of networking business systems gives more people the power to help many more people. While this business is not for everyone, if you are a person who truly wants to help as many people as possible achieve their financial goals and dreams, then the network marketing business is worthy of your time to consider.

In Summary

Today there are many ways for a person to become rich. The best way to become rich is to find the way that works best for you. If you are a person who loves helping other people, I believe this new form of business system - network marketing-is for you. If helping other people is not your cup of tea, then there are at least 10 other methods to choose from.
I will be discussing the core values I have found in most network marketing companies. In my opinion, these core values are the most important for you to consider in deciding whether or not you will be a part of this industry. Rich dad taught his son and me that core values are far more important than money. He often said, "You can become rich by being cheap and greedy. You can also become rich by being abundant and generous. The method you choose will be the method that most closely matches the core values deep inside of you."